

On the social level where we go from here is something else again. There is no doubt that society is getting much more permissive about everything. The social crises of our time-ecology as No. 1, racism, position of women, politics, religion and morals, marriage and popu- lation and many more I won't take space to enumerate are such as to force people into a more understanding and closer relationship with each other. The "do your own thing" ethic introduced by the younger generation is timely and vital to human survival in these times much as the older, squarer, and more conservative generation may detest it and try to hang on in desperation to the precepts, cus- toms and traditions of a bygone era. Homosexuality that pheno- menon behind which transvestism was always hidden and thus un- seen is coming more to the fore not only in terms of acceptance but, in my view, numerically. This will be fostered by the development of greater freedom for women which will scare a lot of less mature men away - men whose ego is not strong enough to deal with a capable and equal woman and into the arms of other men. The population problem will surely also encourage the same thing. As homosexuality therefore, comes to be looked on as just one of the ways in which human sexuality can be expressed, the social pressure against trans- genderal expression will be greatly reduced or even forgotten. But simultaneously — and you can already see the truth of this going on to- day those factors which have polarized the genders in our society in the past are and will continue to grow less and less too. Thus there will be less reason for the male chicken to "cross the road." The grass on the other side will be no better or greener than where he is. As a matter of fact the road itself will be gradually wiped out in which case there will be no "other side" to cross to. The so-called "Unisex" clothing (which should, of course, be called "Unigender") clothing is already with us and will increase as the older generation dies off and the new "thing" generation more and more moves into the seats of power, whether it be power of a political, social, religious, moral, economic, or cultural nature. When each sex is free to express its own particular feelings what limitations will exist and what will there be to emulate?

There is considerable likelihood that the future will see women be- coming more and more "liberated," that is, more and more free to make their own choices, to be "people" not just females. Since they have been squeezed into the limited roles of wives and mothers for so many thousands of years, taking these limitations off is likely to provoke a backlash. This may well take the form of "proving" their 'equality" by adopting more and more the clothing, mannerisms,